he comes at night. every night at 12:43AM. I dont know when he started showing up. seems like he has been here forever, never was there? one of the two, havent slept well in a few....years. coffee doesnt let me stay awake to avoid him, he serves me my espresso from the keurig, hot and steaming, whipped cream on top just to spite me. he does a lot of things just to spite me, and every week its a new thing, a new little tiny insignificant thing that drives me closer and closer to that noose... Rubbing one of his three milky nipples on my laptop to smudge the screen with his greasy lactating skin. Giving me the bird while I lay down in bed and trying to have a wank while calling me a "inconsumate cuck" Not flushing after using the John and wiping his plankboard flat ass on my cat Fluffers..... there is no end, for my demon named "Tiddlywank"